White, Light, Black, Gesture, Organism
Gesture, Sharing
Azure, Violet
Tower block, Blue, Light, Building

1 YCVolunteers recognise and celebrate the contributions of volunteers in the social sector and beyond. The YCVolunteers campaign aims to continue to promote a strong giving culture in Singapore, as we strengthen our social compact and build our shared future together.

Cartoon, Happy

Every action makes a giant difference!

As part of the Ministry of Social and Family Development’s Year of Celebrating Volunteers 2024 (YCVolunteers)1, the Volunteer Fest in July will allow you to learn more about volunteering and explore various volunteering opportunities. Packed with enriching content and interactive stations, the Fest offers a chance for you to discover how you can ignite your own volunteering journey. By contributing your time, talent, and treasure, everyone can play a meaningful role in building a caring and inclusive society.

Join us as we embark on this journey of giving and community building together!

Rectangle, Sleeve, Font

Start your volunteering journey and make a giant impact in our community

Facial expression, Musical instrument, Cartoon, Sharing, Smile